
Human Resources Courses for CoC

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Attention to Detail

This Attention to Detail online training course is designed for all employees. Learn about what attention to detail entails and why it matters, occupations and roles where attention to detail is important, the traits of detail-oriented people, the types and fundamental elements of attention to detail, and strategies for employees to improve their skills in producing detail-oriented work.

Business Entertaining

This Business Entertaining online training course is designed for all employees, especially client-facing teams, who want a better understanding of business entertaining etiquettes involving serving and consuming alcohol. Professional etiquette can be confusing when business and pleasure are mixed into a social situation. However, there are some rules and guidelines you can follow to make a good impression and not jeopardize your position at your organization.

Coaching for Improved Performance

This Coaching for Improved Performance online training course teaches effective coaching techniques and enables you to help employees improve their work performance through a clearer sense of performance objectives and renewed motivation. This course will cover specific and practical suggestions for diagnosing performance problems, understand appropriate actions based on the diagnosis, and be able to implement the coaching process in an effective manner.

Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace

This Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace online training course will show you how creativity and innovation can be made to work. As you move through the various sections, you will begin to see how an overall framework, processes, methods and techniques can make creativity and innovation a valuable asset, not only in the workplace but for the organization.

Developing Brand You

This Developing Brand You online training course provides ideas and exercises designed to help you formulate clear ideas about creating Brand You and about managing your career. It will help you focus on what you like about your current position, what you would like in your next position, and what actions you need to take to gain control over your career.

Doing Performance Reviews

This Doing Performance Reviews online training course will explain the benefits of the performance review process and provide three strategies to make it easier and approach it with confidence. A performance review is a great opportunity for you and your employees to develop a positive working relationship, clarify expectations, and improve productivity.

Effective Performance Feedback

This Effective Performance Feedback online training course is designed for supervisors, managers, and employees seeking to grow in a management role. This course will give you an understanding of the importance of performance feedback, outline the stages of a performance review, and provide strategies for ensuring that your feedback is constructive and effective.

Employee Discipline [US]

This Employee Discipline online training course provides information on conducting an effective workplace investigation and discusses the common methods of discipline that exist in workplaces today. The information presented will help you treat your employees fairly and avoid possible charges of discrimination relating to disciplinary actions. You will learn how to conduct an investigation and apply an appropriate method of discipline.

Employee Motivation

This Employee Motivation online training course gives practical suggestions for identifying group and individual motivating factors and mobilizing them to energize employees. This course explores methods for revitalizing the workplace and encouraging initiative in employees and also gives an opportunity to reach a new awareness of the people who work for you and view them as major investors in your organization.

Establishing Performance Goals and Expectations

This Establishing Performance Goals and Expectations online training course is designed for employers looking to establish goals and expectations and employees wanting to meet those requirements. This course has tools and methods for collaboratively establishing goals and specific performance criteria for all employees. There are tips to help you obtain commitment to your goals and methods to help you review performance goals regularly.

Ethics for Employees

This Ethics for Employees online training course will guide employees through business ethics. This course will encourage you to reflect on the ethical questions we all face and give you a process for arriving at good ethical decisions, explain the importance of doing business ethically, identify the ethical issues, outline ethical decision making and recognize ethical responsibilities.

Ethics for Managers

This Ethics for Managers online training course explains what business ethics means and why initiatives to develop and maintain ethical cultures in organizations are more important than ever. Managers need to know how ethical business practices can prevent wrongdoing in their organizations and how ethics can help employees make good choices.

Five Steps to Effective Coaching [Micro Course]

This Five Steps to Effective Coaching online training course teaches effective coaching techniques and enables you to help employees improve their work performance through a clearer sense of performance objectives and renewed motivation. You will learn specific and practical suggestions to be able to implement the coaching process in an effective manner.

From Peer to Supervisor

This From Peer to Supervisor online training course is designed for supervisory employees. This course will help you make the transition from being a peer to managing the people you used to work with. We will give you strategies for handling the move from co-worker to supervisor and review some responsibilities that new supervisors find challenging.

Handling Violence in the Workplace

This Handling Violence in the Workplace online training course will help prepare you and your company to effectively manage violent situations should they occur. To create a workplace that is a safe environment for everyone, it is important to acknowledge that violence can occur in your company and that there are plans and programs that you can put in place to help prevent potentially volatile situations.

Hiring Right

Hiring the right people is an important part of your role as a manager. This Hiring Right online training course will give you an understanding of the four steps of effective interviewing and selection, and explore the key interviewing skills that will assist you in conducting an efficient and effective interview.

Hiring Right in a Virtual Environment

This Hiring Right in a Virtual Environment online training course will give you an understanding of the virtual interview and selection process and provide you with practical tips for managing the steps in the process, including the key skills you need to conduct an efficient and effective interview with potential candidates.

How Adults Learn

This How Adults Learn online training course is designed for managers and supervisors. In this course, we will take a closer look at ways adults learn and strategies that can be utilized to create more effective training and will also review a sample training plan and action plan that you can incorporate into training.

How to Comply with HIPAA – A General Overview

This How to Comply with HIPAA online training course provides a general overview of what is referred to as the Privacy Rule and discusses the key provisions and significant exceptions. The Administrative Simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) include national standards for electronic health care transactions, codes, identifiers, and security and privacy standards for personal health information.

Identifying and Avoiding Burnout

This Identifying and Avoiding Burnout online training course is designed for anyone with stress. People face stress in a variety of ways. Many can handle it in most instances but there are sometimes when the stress causes you to burn out. This course can help you recognize and avoid burnout in your life. We'll show you how.

Individual Anger Management

This Individual Anger Management online training course is designed to describe the essentials of managing anger in an appropriate and constructive manner. This course was designed specifically for the work environment, but the core elements of this training can be applied when you are at home or on the road.

Individual Goal Personalization

This Individual Goal Personalization online training course will teach you different methods of turning a goal into your own, ranging from understanding the nature of doubt, preventing sabotage by the subconscious, to adopting new types of positive behaviors such as role playing. Using these techniques, you will learn how to become a successful goal setter and achiever.

Individual Goal Setting

This Individual Goal Setting online training course outlines the fundamentals of effective goal setting and offers guidelines to help you achieve your goals. This course defines goals, outlines the fundamentals of goal setting, highlights the differences between wishes, resolutions, and goals, and sets out guidelines to help you achieve your goals.

Individual Goals and Challenges

This Individual Goals and Challenges online training course will provide you with tools to set and remain committed to designing and achieving your goals. You will learn how to commit your goals to paper, set timelines, and track your progress. This course will teach you the importance of setting, pursuing, and achieving your goals.

Individual Leadership Power

This Individual Leadership Power online training course is designed for supervisors and managers looking to develop their leadership skills. This course is designed to help you unleash your leadership potential. You will learn how to take a stand, achieve a goal, and motivate others. The course explains how most leaders are made rather than born and teaches you to develop your personal leadership power (PLP).

Individual Listening Skills

This Individual Listening Skills online training course is designed for all employees and explores the meaning of active listening and the reasons why people do not listen effectively. This course is designed to help participants improve listening skills through increased awareness of their personal listening styles and practical exercises to develop their listening skills.

Individual Priority Management

This Individual Priority Management online training course is about setting and ranking priorities, overcoming obstacles, evaluation, and adjustment. This course will explore how to use a priority process to achieve meaningful personal and career goals. It also provides numerous techniques and tips that will make priority management a key to successful accomplishments.

Individual Productivity Enhancement

This Individual Productivity Enhancement online training course is designed for everyone. This course teaches time and task management skills that will make you more valuable to your company and more productive in your personal life. Productivity soars when people get the most impact from their time and effort. To maximize productivity, you must know the underlying value of the tasks you do.

Interviewing Job Candidates

In this Interviewing Job Candidates online training course, you will learn how to define exactly what you are looking for in a job candidate, and be given checklists and discussion guides to ask the right questions and get relevant answers. The course addresses the most common legal pitfalls and how to avoid them, as well as issues you should consider when evaluating a candidate.

Introduction to Training

This Introduction to Training online training course is designed for supervisors and managers and presents an overview of training including the steps needed to plan, implement and assess learner-centered training.  This course explores the training function and the role of the trainer as facilitator and coach, defines outcomes, and creates training to support learning and improved performance.

Leaves and Accommodations [US]

This Leaves and Accommodations online training course provides an overview of Federal laws which cover employee leaves and accommodations, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAAA). The course also discusses the importance of privacy and confidentiality as it relates to these specific acts.

Leaves of Absence [California]

This California Leaves of Absence online training course is designed for employers and all employees in supervisory, human resources and leave administration. The practice of managing leaves has become one of the more complex and time consuming in the average HR practitioner's world. With numerous legal issues, along with the choices available to employers, it is important that HR professionals have a good grasp of this topic.

Managing Your Career Path

This Managing Your Career Path online training course provides ideas and exercises designed to help you formulate clear ideas about your career interests, skills, accomplishments, and work values. This course focuses on self-analysis and assists in career planning, whether you want to find a new job, make a lateral move, get a promotion, or change careers within the same company.

Multigenerational Workforce

This Multigenerational Workforce online training course was designed for employees and managers in the workplace. This course explores generations in the workplace, how generations connect, practical strategies to promote generational leadership, how to build community across generations in the workplace, generational differences, similarities, and how to leverage differences as strengths.

Negotiating Skills for the Professional

This Negotiating Skills for the Professional online training course will explore techniques for identifying customer expectations and determining how to meet them in a way that both parties are satisfied by the results. This course has checklists and discussion guidelines to help a sales professional master this essential communication skill.

Networking Your Career Path

In this Networking Your Career Path online training course, you will develop your initial network list of names and learn effective ways to begin using this list. The power of networking is evident in various studies of the job search process, which concluded that between 70 and 80 percent of all executive and managerial jobs are obtained through networking. 

Performance Appraisal Basics

This Performance Appraisal Basics online training course is designed to educate you about the critical elements of the performance appraisal process. This course will give you an understanding of the importance of performance appraisal, explain the critical elements of the performance appraisal process, the essentials of a sound approach to appraisal, and how to apply an appraisal to groups and teams.

Performance Management: Performance Review

This Performance Management: Performance Review online training course will explain the benefits of the performance review process and provide three strategies to make it easier and approach it with confidence. This course provides learners with helpful strategies to improve their performance management skills, specifically those related to the Performance Review.

Problem Solving in the Workplace

This Problem Solving in the Workplace online training course gives you the opportunity to learn how to solve some of your most important business problems using a logical method and supporting techniques. This course introduces the five-step process for solving problems, outlines techniques for prioritizing and selecting problems, and introduces the Four Absolutes of Quality Management.

Problem Solving: The 5 Steps

This Problem Solving: The 5 Steps online training course will define and explain the five steps involved in the problem-solving process. The five steps that will help solve any workplace dispute include defining the situation, providing a quick fix if necessary, identifying the root causes, taking corrective action, and evaluating and following up.

Return to Work and Accommodation

This Return to Work and Accommodation online training course is designed for managers and supervisors. Employee absences resulting from injury or illness are a challenge for both the employer and the employee. It is to everyone’s benefit for employees to return to work as soon as they are able. In this course, you will learn about the responsibilities of employers, employees, and other stakeholders in return-to-work cases, as well as accommodation considerations.

Running A Virtual Office

This Running A Virtual Office online training course identifies the potential benefits and pitfalls in managing a virtual workforce, gives guidelines for maintaining communication, monitoring productivity, and encouraging peak performance. There are methods for assuring alignment and consistency, and suggestions for preserving important working relationships without the traditional work structure.

Running Effective Meetings

This Running Effective Meetings online training course is designed for managers and anyone who conducts meetings. In this course, we will review strategies that will help you plan and conduct effective meetings and get observable results. This course will provide you techniques that will encourage participation and lead to a productive meeting.

Running Effective Teams

This Running Effective Teams online training course is designed for supervisors and managers and explores how to successfully manage a team to accomplish the desired results. Teams can provide a wonderful opportunites for collaboration and innovation, but sometimes hurdles get in the way of reaching objectives. In this course, we will review strategies for effective team leadership.

Skills for Being Interviewed in a Virtual Environment

This Skills for Being Interviewed in a Virtual Environment online training course is designed for employees interviewing for a new job. This course explores basic interview concepts and presents strategies and tips to prepare for behavioral interview questions. This course will help you recognize the importance of preparation for an online job interview and identify questions to ask during an interview.

Skills for Interviewing

This Skills for Interviewing online training course offers strategies and tips for valuable preliminary work and tools to prepare for the interviewer's questions. Key points will help you promote your best image and create a positive impression. You will learn how to follow up with the interviewer and how to negotiate the best offer if you are selected.

Social Media and Your Organization

This Social Media and Your Organization online training course provide company stakeholders and employees with a thorough understanding of how to develop and implement a social media policy. The policy will clearly outline your organization’s expectations for appropriate online behavior. The rapid growth and application of social media represent both an opportunity and a risk for many organizations.

Team Problem Solving

This Team Problem Solving online training course is designed for managers and supervisors. As a team leader, you are responsible for making sure that your team knows how to solve problems together. Working together will greatly increase the likelihood of a high-quality solution. It will also generate energy and enthusiasm in the team for successful implementation.

Training Tips & Techniques

This Training Tips and Techniques online training course is designed for training managers and human resources professionals. This course outlines ways to create effective and efficient training that leads to improved performance on the job and explores ways to present materials that not only captivate attention but also produce the required results.


This Train-the-Trainer online training course was designed for business managers, consultants, trainers, and human resource professionals. This course is a three-module series designed to provide managers with the information they need to create and conduct results-oriented training. This course will introduce you to training in general. It will provide an overview of the training function and the role of the trainer as facilitator and coach.
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